December 5, 2018
To celebrate the momentus year the Womens’ Suffrage movement won the right to vote Jack House Gallery and myself are hosting a Still Life Study Session and networking event which will be themed around women and work.
I have used the subject of women in the workplace in my own paintings and these sessions will explore the changing nature of work in the home in an intricately staged still life tableau.
The FREE sessions are an opportunity for non-artists and artists to work alongside each other to share ideas and techniques under my guidance over a 5 day period for minimum 3 hours, a day or the whole week.
Of course we won’t discriminate against men who wish to participate!
The event will run from Tuesday 27th of November to Saturday 1st of December 2018 from 10am - 5pm, with networking lunch from 1pm - 2pm.
At the end of the 5 days we will hold a small ‘finissage’ show of the work made in the sessions with drinks and all welcome.
It will be mostly self guided session but as a facilitator I will be available to give any advice and share my experience with everyone interested.
Bring your own materials, drawing boards and/or easels
(if required) and a small dish/snack to share with others during the lunch break.
The address of the venue is:
Jack House Gallery , 121 High Street, Portsmouth, PO1 2HW, Hampshire,Tel: 023 9229 7053
For more info or to express an interest in attending please
email me or the gallery directly on:

September 5, 2017
My interest in representational drawing and painting comes from the very traditional training that I gained during years of studying in Poland, where art education is still quite academic and very much based on the observation of nature.
Still life study is a basic exercise that every first and second year student has to practice on a daily basis. It teaches strategies for recording shapes, judging proportions, creating successful compositions and overall sharpens visual perception.
During the two-day session I would like to create the opportunity to 'slow down and look' so that we can focus on details and explore in depth the true physical nature of certain objects taken straight from our surroundings.
I believe that in today’s jpg image-saturated culture, where we devour and discard images, without much reflection, this now unique way of creative depiction in such slow mediums like drawing or painting, can make us more sensitive and therefore has the power to change how we look at the world.
The event will take a place at Making Space on Thursday 28 & Friday 29 September 2017 from 10am-5pm, with networking lunch from 1pm - 2pm. It will be a “drop in” session so you can come when it suits you and stay for as long as you want during both days.
It will be mostly self guided session but as a facilitator I will be available to give any advice and share my experience with everyone interested.
Bring your own materials, drawing boards and/or easels (if required) and a small dish to share with others during the lunch break. Making Space will provide tea, coffee and other soft drinks.
Please note there is a maximum capacity of 15.
The address of the venue is:
Making Space
2 Bishopstoke Road
Leigh Park, Havant
For more info or to express an interest in attending, please email me directly on: or use my contact form

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